Thank you for your interest in our Certification and Continuing Education Programs.
The costs of Certification and Continuing Education Courses are variable depending on which program you are interested in.
To determine specific costs for your program of interest, please follow these instructions:
Continuing Education Courses
1. Please access the page which lists all of the required courses in your certification program of interest. You may access the main entry page which lists the specialties by clicking here.
2. Click on the large button link to be taken to the page where the courses for your program of interest are shown.
3. For each of the courses listed in the program curriculum you will see a brief abstract of the course (information). At the end of the brief abstract, for each course, you will see the course code and the tuition fee for the course.
4. You may register and pay for one course at a time. There is NO need to pay for all of the courses in a program at one time. You have two full years to complete all of the courses in a program. The two-year time-frame begins on the date that you enroll into the first course in a program.
5. The course fee does not include the cost of books and/or other learning supplies. For you convenience all of the books and/or learning supplies are available in our online book store (partnered with amazon.com). You can easily access our online book store by clicking here. You may easily order books right online at our store. Please note that many books are available as "used" books with lower prices.
6. To ascertain the price of a book for a CE Course you can simply go to the courses listed for your program of interest. There is a short abstract course description for each course. After the short course description, there is a link titled "Course Information." Click on the course information link. Scroll through the course information page and you will see information on the required book(s) and/or learning materials. There is also a link there to enter our online book store. Link to online bookstore: click here.
7. You can access the online course registration form: click here.
The cost of our Certifications are varied, according to the following:
1. Four-year Certification Programs: $ 200.00
This is a one-time fee for the period of Certification. Certification fees are payable at the time you make application for official certification. Please DO NOT submit an application or application fee for Certification until you have successfully completed all of the program requirements.
3. Applications are all online and can be easily printed out. You can find links to all of the Certification applications by clicking here.
If you have any questions or would like any assistance, please feel free to contact us:
E-mail: info@aihcp.org
Phone: 330-652-7776
Fax: 330-652-7575
The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc.
2400 Niles-Cortland Road S.E.
Suite #4
Warren Ohio 44484