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Retaking an Examination


1. All participants taking a continuing education course at AIHCP, Inc. must achieve a score at a minimum of 70%, in order to pass the course and receive a continuing education certificate of completion.

2. If a participant does not receive a minimum score of 70%, then no credit hours or course completion certificate is received.

3. Participants have the opportunity to receive instructions to complete additional course work, including an essay type examination, as a means of achieving a passing score for the continuing education course. Participants who did not achieve a passing score of 70% or above, are provided with full information on this option, at the time they receive their graded examination.

4. Participants who elect this option must comply with the instructors time-limits for completing the second examination.

5. If the participant does not successfully pass this second examination, then the participant will not receive an awarded certificate of completion of the continuing education course.

6. A participants who is not successful in passing the second examination has an option of waiting for a six (6) month period of time, and then re-registering for the course. Full course fees apply when re-registering for a course under this option.

If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact us at : info@aihcp.org

February 2010