The American Academy of grief Counseling
The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc., offers a full Continuing Education program of online courses for those seeking to advance as to "Fellowship" in the American Academy of Grief Counseling.
Upon completion of the seven (7) courses detailed below, applicants are eligible to apply for and receive the "Fellowship" in the American Academy of Grief Counseling. Each course is provided for in a dedicated online classroom. The courses are designed as independent study/continuing education courses, with one-to-one faculty mentoring. There is open enrollment and students may register and begin the education program at anytime.
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This online course covers a comprehensive
overview and review of normal grief reactions and the grieving
process. It then explores in depth the issues of complicated
and abnormal grief reactions and processes. Students learn
the signs/symptoms of complicated and abnormal grief as well
as criteria for referrals and counseling interventions that
support clients needing more intense and higher level therapies.
Upon successful completion of this course, students earn 25
continuing education contact hours toward recertification. Course cost: $ 75.00. Course Code: GC 500
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This course provides the student already familiar with grief theory and children, a storehouse of hands-on assessment and creative intervention methodologies aimed at helping children who are experiencing loss and grief. Through a description and comprehensive presentation of a variety of strategies that identify and assess where children are in the grieving process, the student will develop skill in how and when to apply interventions at various developmental stages in a child's growth. The student is provided with the theory behind an intervention, the rationale for the intervention, and the grief task it addresses. Full instructions are provided for the effective practice and application of the intervention. Strategies are presented for individual counseling settings, family sessions and peer support groups.
The interventions explained include play therapy, art therapy, story telling and the use of children's commemorations. Utilizing research from the Dougy Center for Grieving Children, the course also includes a review and description of essential attitudes and communication skills care givers should practice when dealing with the grieving child. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 30 contact hours of continuing education credits by the American Academy of Grief Counseling. Course Cost: $ 150.00 Course Code: GC 520
This comprehensive course explores the principles and propositions of the revisionist theory of "meaning reconstruction" as it applies to grief and bereavement. The course examines the current body of research that argues for a more dynamic concept of loss that goes beyond stage or task theory. Meaning reconstruction positions the concept of grief on the constructivist process of meaning making and on a reworking of the griever's assumptive world. The course elucidates this grief theory as a highly subjective and social process in which the bereaved - rather than withdrawing energy from the deceased - constructs a new world of meaning as a result of the experience of loss. As the student appraises this contemporary paradigm, he/she will develop a fresh understanding of the role of grief and loss in changing the life perception of the griever. The student will also assess meaning making strategies and therapist dialog in order to apply the theory of meaning reconstruction as a technique in grief counseling.
The reading in this course is extensive and presumes that students have a good understanding of the process of grief as described in stage and task theory. Readings have been chosen from a variety of grief theorists in order to furnish the student with a thorough understanding of the rich dimensions of this approach. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 40 contact hours of continuing education credits by the American Academy of Grief Counseling. Course Cost: $ 150.00
Course Code: GC 530
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This comprehensive course provides for an in depth journey into the major needs of the dying. The course material provides a very practical approach to this subject matter and leads students to a great awareness of what the dying really do need and want. This course is foundational for anyone who will be working with dying patients. Many issues and needs of the dying are examined with a focus on actual experiences with the dying. Students will examine and learn how to communicate more effectively with the dying. Needed skill sets will be examined, such as active listening and the development of compassionate communications. Students will also examine the physical and emotional experiences of the dying facing different life-challenging illnesses. The physiology of death is also examined. Issues of spirituality are presented with an emphasis on such needs of the dying. By studying the needs of the dying, students grow in awareness of how they may best provide supportive care at the time of life's transition stage. The role of the pastoral thanatologist in providing compassionate care becomes more real. Contact hours of education = 40 hours. Course Code: PT 450. Course Cost: $150.00
5.. Bereavement ministry & support groups
This continuing education course provides an overview of concepts, dynamics, and practical teaching related to engaging in bereavement ministry and construction and facilitation of grief support groups. Adult learners will be exposed to what it means to minister to mourners of various ages, both in and out of a support group context. Anecdotal accounts of mourners’ experiences will be presented, along with seasoned practitioners’ perspectives on providing caring and respectful bereavement ministry as well as effective grief support group programs. Progression in the course then focuses on better understanding how to minister to the bereaved from a faith as well as a practical perspective, how to walk with the bereaved on an individual basis, and assisting grief processing via group method. This course provides a contemplative, functional, and practitioner-oriented presentation of issues regarding bereavement ministry and support group leadership. Contact hours of education = 40 hours. Course Code: PT 470 Course cost: $150.00
6. Cultural Issues in Thanantology
This comprehensive continuing education course provides a very comprehensive overview of studies, research, and dynamics related to cultural issues in death, dying and bereavement. This is an exciting course. For most the mystery of death and dying continues to defy imagination. What is seen of death is the finality of the physical body. But what is believed about the meaning of death, how it should be faced, and what happens after physical death varies by culture and its associated religion (DeSpelder & Strickland, 1992; Johnson &McGee, 1991).
The aim of education about Cultural Issues in Thanantology is to explain why this death has occurred at this time and this way. We look at our culture for advice on how to act when a death occurs, how to express grief, and how to remember the person who has died. We find comfort in the rituals that the culture prescribes, and culture presents a structure within which death takes on meaning (DeSpelder & Strickland, 1003; Johnson & McGee, 1991). Integrating multicultural and life span considerations is crucial to counseling effectiveness.
Upon completion of this course, students are awarded 40 contact hours of continuing education credits. Course Code: PT480
Course Cost: $150.00
7. Death, Dying and World Religions
This CE course provides a comprehensive look at world religions and their perspectives on death and dying. Within the course, you will examine both Eastern and Western philosophies on death and the next life. Within the personal aspect of death, the course will delve into various ideals of heaven, hell, judgment, reincarnation, and other methods of salvation as seen through the prism of multiple religious ideals. In addition to personal death, the course also examines the broader elements of eschatology or end times.
This course provides for knowledge acquisition regarding death and dying, specifically related to the religious affiliations of clients. Students will gain a greater insight into client beliefs about death and dying, related to their own beliefs and practices. Upon completion of this course, participants are awarded 40 contact hours of continuing education. Course Code: PT 500
Course Cost: $150.00
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Information on Grief Counseling Certification
Information on CE program for Certification
Additional Information:
- Pre-requisite to enrolling in the continuing education program: registrants must be currently Certified in Grief Counseling by the American Academy of Grief Counseling.
Certified members may take the courses below for Fellowship status at any time. However, Fellowship status is not conferred until the member has been a Certified Grief Counselor first for a four-year period. Upon completion of the courses below, and four years time in certification status, the Certified member may make application to advance to "Fellowship" status. - All courses are continuing education courses and are provided in online classrooms via our website. Upon enrollment a unique identification and password is provided for classroom access. The online classrooms provide full syllabi and course information, including the course exams and evaluations. Students must a achieve a minimum score of 70% on the course examination to pass the continuing education courses.
- Participants are given two (2) years from the date of enrollment into the first course, to complete the entire program of seven (7) continuing education courses.
- Upon completion of each course, you will be awarded the corresponding continuing education contact hours and receive the CEU certificate verifying course completion and the award of education credits. Registration may be completed online, by accessing the links below.
- Participants must complete the entire 255 contact hours of education to meet the continuing education requirements for advancement to Fellowship status in the Academy.
- Fellowship status is conferred for five (5) years. The cost of the Fellowship is $ 250.00, every five (5) years. Certified Grief Counselors must also maintain their status as a Grief Counselor-Certified (GC-C) while in Fellowship status with the Academy. The Fellowship status is available for Re-Fellowship every five (5) years by continuing education hours and practice experience.
- Access Fellowship Application: click here
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