Continuing Education Program
The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc., offers a full Continuing Education program of online courses for qualified health care professionals seeking Certification as a Certified Pet-Loss Grief Specialist.
Upon completion of the six (6) courses detailed below, applicants are eligible to apply for and receive certification as a Certified Pet-Loss Grief Specialist. Each course is provided in a dedicated online classroom. The courses are designed as independent study/continuing education courses, with one-to-one faculty mentoring. There is open enrollment and students may register and begin the education program at anytime.
pet-loss grief specialist
Course Fees
Below are listed the required courses for this curriculum. At the end of each course description you will find the course cost listed.
online CEU course provides a very comprehensive overview
of studies, research, and dynamics related to death
and dying. Students study many facets of death
and dying, as well as major theories, process models,
cultural issues, religious issues and other related
content. Progression in the course then focuses on
processes of mourning and grieving, including effective
strategies for assisting the bereaved. Death, dying
and mourning is presented also according to various
age groups. This course provides for scientific inquiry
into death and dying and care of the bereaved. Upon
successful completion of this course, students are
awarded 30 contact hours of continuing education
credits. Course Cost: $ 150.00. Course Code: GC 400
Note: for currently certified grief counselors, by the American Academy of Grief Counseling, this course is "waived."
Course Information
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This online
CEU course
provides students with a continuation of course content,
based on learning
from the above course "Death, Dying & Mourning." Students
continue to study
other theories and model processes of grieving, as
well as more scientific inquiry
into these processes. Case studies are provided which
allow students the opportunity
to better equate theory into practice. The student
continues in this course
to study and learn many interventions and modalities
for use in grief counseling
and bereavement education. Upon successful completion
of this course, students are awarded 20 contact hours
of continuing education credits. Course Cost = $ 150.00. Course Code: GC
Note: for currently certified grief counselors, by the American Academy of Grief Counseling, this course is "waived."
Course Information
for Course
This course is designed to assist anyone in the helping professions to understand what a pet owner may be experiencing when their companion animal dies. Assessing the role that pets play in the lives of clients is presented. An assessment of the role an animal plays in the life of the client and careful consideration of how that affects their daily functioning, self esteem, sense of well being and identity. Specifics about the procedure of euthanasia are given along with guidelines for assisting clients in working through all the issues that present before, during and after euthanasia is performed.
Case studies are reviewed regarding experiences of special types of pet loss such as accidents, a pet being stolen or being killed by someone, divorce situations and missing pets. Strategies for how helping professionals may best navigate potentially explosive situations and handle the complex emotions of pet owners due to these special circumstances of pet loss are studied.
Guidelines for acquiring a new pet are detailed with a special eye to timing and each individual's unique situation. Behavioral manifestations of grief and loss are studied as they related to issues of pet loss.
Course Cost = $150.00 Course Code: GC 580 Contact hours of continuing education = 30
Course Information
for Course
This course is the second core course in the curriculum in Pet Loss Grief and Bereavement Counseling. The course continues in the study of human emotions and students will study both human and professional responses to pet loss. This comprehensive study provides insights and theories regarding grief and pet loss. Also presented are issues related to burying a deceased pet and after emotions and the grief reaction. Other topics presented in euthanasia and human emotions, insensitivities to loss and memorialization of deceased pets. Religious beliefs regarding pet loss are examined as well as supportive tools available to assist in the grief and support phases. Students will have a much clearer understanding of the signs/symptoms related to pet loss and will begin learning effective strategies to support clients who have suffered pet loss. Course Cost = $ 150.00 Course Code: GC 585 Contact hours of continuing education = 30
Course Information
for Course
This course is a continuation of the immediate previous required course and focuses on various interventions and strategies that may be implemented for those grieving from pet loss. The book used in the course is authored by a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Study in this course is on the "human-animal" relationship. Students will examine issues of grief related closely to the relationships that exist between people and their pets. Such relationships are well defined and provide the foundation from which effective strategies may be used in working with the bereaved from loss of a pet. Study topics include issues related to guilt, crying, the surreal state, stress reactions and other major psycho-social dynamics related to emotions. Course Cost = $ 150.00 Course Code = GC 590 Contact hours of continuing education = 30
Course Information
for Course
This is the final course in the core curriculum for Pet Loss Grief and Bereavement Counseling. This is a course focused solely on children and pet loss. Students will study and examine many dimensions of pet loss for children. Study content includes an examination in the way in which children grieve. Sign and symptoms are discussed in terms of child grief from pet loss. Ways to prepare a child for the death of a pet are examined as well. This course also focuses on cognitive differences regarding various ages of child and manifestations of grief. Many strategies are explored which are helpful and often effective in assisting children in the grieving process in instances of pet loss. Students will also study complicated grief reactions in children as well as issues of support groups, therapeutic treatment modalities, including strategies of memorialization and saying "good-byes" to deceased pets. Course Cost = $ 150.00 Course Code = GC 595 Contact hours of continuing education = 30.
Course Information
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Additional Information:
- Pre-requisite to enrolling in the continuing education program: registrants must meet one of the following pre-requisites, be: 1.) a Registered Nurse, or Advance Practice Nurse, 2.) a licensed Veterinarian, 3.) a licensed Physician, 4.) a licensed Counselor, 5.) a licensed Social Worker, 6.) a licensed minister/clergy, 7.) a certified veterinary assistant, 8). a licensed funeral director, 9.) a pastoral counselor in active ministry, 10.) an earned college degree in human services, psychology, or human behavior, 11.) a school counselor, 12.) a graduate degree in educational counseling, 13.) other earned college degrees may be applicable if they are in a related area or if the candidate can verify significant experiences in the near past working with grief/bereavement.
- All courses are continuing education courses and are provided in online classrooms via our website. Upon enrollment a unique identification and password is provided for classroom access. The online classrooms provide full syllabi and course information, including the course exams and evaluations. Students must a achieve a minimum score of 70% on the course examination to pass the continuing education courses.
- Participants are given two (2) years from the date of enrollment into the first course, to complete the entire program of six (6) continuing education courses.
- Upon completion of each course, you will be awarded the corresponding continuing education contact hours and receive the CEU certificate verifying course completion and the award of education credits. Registration may be completed online, by accessing the links below.
- Participants must complete the entire 170 contact hours of education to be eligible to apply for certification. For information on the Pet-Loss Grief Specialist Certification program, access this link.
The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc. is a licensed Continuing Education Provider in the State of California, Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # CEP 15595.
- Request Information
Code of Ethics for Certified Members
PET LOSS GRIEF COUNSELING BLOG: Please visit our Pet Loss Grief Counseling interactive web blog. Our blog contains articles, news, events and information related the Pet Loss Grief Counseling field.
Certification and CE Courses Costs | How to Register for a Course | Making Application for Certification | Contact Us |
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