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Continuing Education Courses
Course Fees
Below are listed the required courses for this curriculum. At the end of each course description you will find the course cost listed.
The following CE Courses have provider approvals: The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Inc. is a licensed Continuing Education Provider in the State of California, Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # CEP 15595.
1. Relaxation Strategies
This online Continuing education course is the foundational course in meditation theory and practice. This course provides a comprehensive overview of breath work, concentration and the physiological effects on the central nervous system. Students learn anatomy and physiology related to breath work, as well as physiology and anatomy of the central nervous system. The focus is on learning various types of breath work, the use of concentration and mantras, and the elicitation of the relaxation response. Students will study research outcomes related to meditation and its positive effects on over all health and well being of participants. Many disease states are reviewed, along with research oriented outcomes related to the many benefits and positive outcomes of meditation as an intervention in disease states. Students also practice and become proficient in several types of meditative techniques. Spiritual issues related to meditation are also explored. Course Code: MED 300. Education contact hours = 20. Course Cost: $ 125.00
This online Continuing education course is the second foundational course in the curriculum and participants study theories and practices of many different meditation techniques. Learning which occurred in the first course (MED 300) become more applicable as participants explore the world of meditation. Participants will study meditation from various traditions, including practices used in religious settings. Such practices include "Zen" theory and meditation, Buddhist meditation practices, and Christian meditations. Continued explorations occur in relation to common meditation practices of today's western world. New breath work techniques are studied, as well as new ideas related to concentration and mindfulness. Taoist meditation is also studied. Hatha Yoga is also presented, as are mantras, included sacred Hebrew mantras used in meditation practices. Other topics that are presented include, Chi, progressive relaxation techniques, dreaming, deep meditation, mantras and vibrations, centering prayer and more. Course Code: MED 325. Education contact hours = 30. Course Cost: $ 150.00
This is the third course in the education program for Meditation Instructors. This course continues the presentation and study of meditation theory/concepts and practices at a more advanced level for students. Students will study meditation practices as an alternative and integrative healing modality and will learn benefits of meditation on various disease states. Use of meditation practice in preventative health care is also presented. More advanced content related to faith and spirituality is presented in this course as a continuance of the topic presented in MED 325. Students continue with the study of meditation concepts such as insights, attention, focusing and other facets of practice. The concepts and theories of energy and energy medicine are introduce and applied to practices of meditation. More in depth presentations are studied related to yoga and meditation practices and students learn basic techniques for use and teaching. The concept of loving-kindness meditations is also explored. A continuation of concepts of Zen are also presented and students continue to learn Zen philosophy and how it relates to meditation. Other topics studied include; movement meditation, tantric yoga, energy exercises enhancing chi, sufi-inspired dances, christian meditations, meditative labyrinth walking, and much more. Course Code: MED 355. Education contact hours = 30. Course tuition: $150.00
4. Mindfulness Meditation: Theory and Practice
This online course provides an in-depth review and study of more current findings and applications for "mindfulness" meditation practice. Students will study a more in-depth presentation of stress and disease states. The main focus of study will be on the methods, research, and use of "mindfulness" meditation in supporting quality physical and mental health. Students' will be provided with a comprehensive review of the process and practices of mindfulness and will achieve knowledge in this modality that can be used in teaching others to practice this type of meditation. Case studies related to the use of mindfulness meditation are also presented. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 50 continuing education contact hours. Course Code: MED 400 Cost: $150.00
This is the fifth course in the Meditation Instructor Education and Certification program. This course allows the students to concentrate their studies on the concepts of "energy" and the use of meditation techniques and therapies to enhance overall energy systems of the body, mind, spirit. A comprehensive presentation is presented, including the study and application of of meditation strategies using sound, colors, visualizations and touch.
Students study the energy systems of the body in relation to body systems. Meditations for implementation are presented for self use and client use regarding focus on body systems, mind systems, and the spiritual body. Enhancements for meditation include the study of the use of gems, crystals, and light meditations. Students also receive in depth study of the brain, it's physiology, corresponding mental/cognitive states, and meditation techniques to enhance mental/mind development. This course also presents a comprehensive study of "metaphysics" and how meditation techniques and therapies are used to develop psychic awareness, telepathy, clairvoyance and clairaudience. Throughout the course, students practice these specific meditations and learn how they can be used in instructing clients for various goal-directed outcomes. Course Code = MED 380. Contact hours of education = 20. Course Tuition: $125.00
6. MEDITATION & mind fitness
This is the sixth and final course in the Meditation Instructor education and certification program. This course presents continued theory and practice in many different techniques and forms of meditation practice. Students will study meditation as it relates to great mind concentration, mental health and spiritual development and evolution. Mindfulness meditation is presented as well as the following practice theories; concentration meditation, reflective meditation, creative meditation, heart-centered meditation and the practice of dedication. Within each of these presented strategies, students will study many different techniques that can be used in teaching clients meditation. Many spiritual practices are presented and student have the opportunity to continue to learn meditation techniques. Yoga meditation practices are also studied. Resources for continued learning and practice are provided. Course Code: MED 390. Contact hours of Education = 30. Course Tuition: $150.00
Pre-requisite to enrolling in the continuing education program: registrants must meet at least one of the following; 1.) a registered nurse currently licensed to practice nursing, 2). a licensed social worker, 3). a health care licensed professional, 4). a health care provider with a minimum of a bachelors degree, 5). a licensed counselor or psychologist, 6). holds a bachelor's degree or higher in psychology, human services, or other health related field, 7.) a practicing pastoral counselor, 8). is in current practice as an ordained minister or crisis counselor, or 9). a corporate trainer, 10). a wellness or fitness consultant, or 11). a licensed or certified holistic care provider.
- All courses are continuing education courses and are provided in online classrooms via our website. Upon enrollment a unique identification and password is provided for classroom access. The online classrooms provide full syllabi and course information, including the course exams and evaluations. Students must a achieve a minimum score of 70% on the course examination to pass the continuing education courses.
- Participants are given two (2) years from the date of enrollment into the first course, to complete the entire program of six (6) continuing education courses.
- Upon completion of each course, you will be awarded the corresponding continuing education contact hours and receive the CE certificate verifying course completion and the award of education credits. Registration may be completed online, by accessing the links below.
- Participants must complete the entire 150 contact hours of education to be eligible to apply for certification. For information on the Meditation Instuctor Certification program, access this link.
- The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc. is a licensed Continuing Education Provider in the State of California, Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # CEP 15595. Access Info
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- MEDITATION INSTRUCTOR BLOG: Please visit our Meditation interactive web blog. Our blog contains articles, news, events and information related the Meditation Instruction field.
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Updated: February 2010